Q & A…


What time is service?

We have pre-service prayer at 9:45.

Service starts at 10:30

Is there something for my children?

Absolutely! Here at Hope Church we love children! We all meet together for worship and then children are dismissed to their classes for an age appropriate lesson.

Do I have to dress up?

Goodness no! We are real people here at Hope Church. Come as you are. We do not care if you have a coffee stained shirt, a messy bun, or a beard. Everyone is welcome to come just as they are. We encourage you to come the way that you feel most comfortable.

what denomination is hope church?

Hope Church is affiliated with the Assemblies of God. We are pentecostal.

can i bring coffee?

Of course! We also have free coffee every Sunday in the back of the sanctuary just in case you forget… or like us need a second cup!

Did we mention FREE? Come for the coffee, stay for the service.

how can i get involved?

Here at Hope Church we LOVE volunteers. We have many opportunities for you to serve. Places to serve are, sound, children ministry, youth ministry, outreach, and many more.

Please see Pastor Renee for more information.